30 July 2009

Athletes and Twitter go together like....ammonia and bleach

And anyone who had high school Chemistry knows that can be a lethal combination.

Twitter is something that has exploded in popularity and we're only seeing the tip of the iceberg here. There are plenty of more famous or more controversial tweets out there, but I'll share a few that are of the type that have to drive coaches nuts.

These gems come from one Visanthe Shiancoe, who is best known for revealing a little more than he intended last season following a big win for the Vikes. If you don't know what I'm talking about, feel free to google his name and see what you find.

Anyway, on the first day of training camp, here was his first notable tweet:

Here we go with the meetings again..the first week highlights fundamentals. So boring but essentail

I'm sure Brad Childress is thrilled to hear that he has players that are bored.....on the first day of camp. But wait, there's more!

Zzzzzz zzzzz zzz zzz (in meetings) lol.. Introducing the staff

But somewhere along the line, he acquired a conscience.

My earlier tweet with the"zzzzzzzz's" was concerning an administrative meeting and not a teammeeting

But don't worry, he assured us there's more hilarity/coaching headaches to come:

Don't worry I got you tweet world.. Allll camp!

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